Bienvenida y presentación
Lucia Ferrer, Sales Director | PUE
Juan Carlos Sánchez, Regional Director Spain & Portugal | Cloudera

Bienvenida y presentación

Lucia Ferrer | PUE
Juan Carlos Sánchez | Cloudera

Keynote: Big Data
Next Gen

Sergio R. de Guzmán

Discover Cloudera
Data Platform

Juan Zapatero
Solution Architect | Cloudera

Maximum Big Data Performance Tuning

Arnaud Delanoue
Big Data Architect | PUE

Sesión de preguntas

Sergio R. de Guzmán | PUE
Juan Zapatero | Cloudera
Arnaud Delanoue | PUE


This Session will be held in Spanish   

10:00 am - 10:10 am

Greetings and presentation

Javier Domínguez, CEO I PUE
Javier Martínez, Sales Engineering Manager | Google Cloud

10:10 am - 10:30 am

Keynote: Building Cloud Native Companies

In this session we will discover how startups and consolidated companies can build a plan to take advantage from a native cloud model.

Ramón de la Rosa, Cloud & Big Data Architect I PUE

10:30 am - 11:15 am

Google Cloud capabilities for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Every day 2.5 million terabytes of data are collected in the world. Thanks to the democratization of digitization, any company can benefit from the most advanced services in technological matters through tools and services such as Cloud Computing. Machine Learning and AI is one of the services that Google Cloud offers, with packaged solutions to solve the most important business problems in a comprehensive way. In this session we will explore ML and AI services and talk about the most innovative machine learning products on Google Cloud.

Ester Morales, Customer Engineer and Infrastructure Modernization Specialist | Google

11:15 am - 11:45 am

Cloud Code with Kubernetes

The workshop introduces the Cloud Code on Kubernetes, the solution for native applications development on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).

Sergio Rodríguez de Guzmán, CTO I PUE

11:45 am - 12:00pm


This Session will be held in Spanish   

10:00 am - 10:10 am

Greetings and presentation

Abraham Pascual, Key Account Manager I PUE
Miguel Ángel Suárez, Sales Director | Datadog Iberia

10:10 am - 10:30 am

Keynote: Logs and Metrics consolidation

In this session we will explore how the centralization of logs and metrics throughout the company provides a cross-sectional view of all the technological components.

Arnaud Delanoue, Big Data Architect I PUE

10:30 am - 11:15 am

Observability for Serverless Workloads

Having a robust traceability strategy has become critical for those companies with systems in production, particularly for microservices architectures. But what happens with the serverless architectures? What are the differences between monitoring, logs and distributed tracing for serverless functions? How can we be sure that we are obtaining the correct data from our systems without reducing our functions performance?

In this session we will introduce the monitoring for function-based architectures. We will explain the commitments to be considered and the data and metrics necessary to understand our serverless applications.

Ara Pulido, Developer Relations | Datadog

11:15 am - 11:45 pm

Hybrid Cloud Monitoring

Visibility in hybrid environments depends on the cloud provider's tools and must be obtained individually from each environment. In this workshop we will see how to unify metrics, traces and records, as well as compare performance in applications based on microservices in a hybrid environment, to solve problems quickly and increase collaboration between work teams.

Ramón de la Rosa, Cloud & Big Data Architect I PUE

11:45 am - 12:00pm


This Session will be held in Spanish   

10:00 am - 10:10 am

Greetings and presentation

Lucía Ferrer, Sales Director I PUE
Juan Carlos Sánchez, Regional Director Spain & Portugal | Cloudera

10:10 am - 10:30 am

Keynote: Big Data Next Gen

Big Data keeps evolving to simplify the use and increase the different kind of companies that can access these services without reducing data processing and analysis capabilities. Big Data is becoming, more than everan accessible service.

Sergio Rodríguez de Guzmán, CTO I PUE

10:30 am - 11:25 am

Discover Cloudera Data Platform, the hybrid cloud platform for your strategy around data

In the article Top 10 Digital Trends for 2021, Forbes publishes that hybrid cloud architectures are, without any doubt, the option to choose. They would have been in any case, but in the current context, the value that the flexibility and adaptability of these architectures offer, has become more obvious than ever. Cloudera, through its strategic platform Cloudera Data Platform (CDP), embraces and bets on this same philosophy. In this session we invite you to find out the value of flexibility brought to the universe of data. Join us and discover Cloudera CDP!

Juan Zapatero, Solution Architect | Cloudera

11:25 am - 11:55 am

Maximum Big Data Performance Tuning

Is the use of your cluster optimized? Is increasing nodes to have more resources really essential or is it an unnecessary expense? In this session we will show you our tricks to make the most of your cluster's resources. We will address this problem at a general level in the Hadoop ecosystem and we will see in detail the optimization of our Spark applications. You will be able to solve questions about how to know if the assigned resources are overdimensioned or not, in order to increase the potential of your cluster and reduce costs.

Arnaud Delanoue, Big Data Architect I PUE

11:55 am - 12:00 pm


10:00 am - 10:10 am

Greetings and presentation

Javier Domínguez, CEO I PUE
Boris Cordes, Senior Director Partners & Alliances | DataRobot

10:10 am - 10:30 am

Keynote: Business Impact from AI   This Talk will be held in Spanish   

In this session, we will take a look into different use cases where companies can extract business value from data thanks toAI.

Arnaud Delanoue, Big Data Architect I PUE

10:30 am - 11:30 am

No more trAIning camps: better predictions faster with Automated Machine Learning
This Talk will be held in English   

Identifying and bringing new AI use cases in production and generating the expected return on investment is not trivial. Nearly all companies experience problems with model development. And more or less all of them cite obstacles when moving AI models into production. Result: most AI initiatives remain in a training camp mode(models have been trained but they do not create any value). In this session you will learn how the entire process from data to value can be fastened and how automation can help you build, deploy and monitor AI models. Let’s experience the mAgIc!

Boris Cordes, Senior Director Partners & Alliances | DataRobot

11:30 am - 12:00 pm

AI Journey: Challenges and solutions   This Talk will be held in English   

In this session we will solve the most frequent doubts about how to take the next steps into the AI implementation, what are the most frequent challenges faced and how to approach the journey towards mAgIc. We will present some "best practices" and the benefits achieved from implementing AI.

Boris Cordes, Senior Director Partners & Alliances | DataRobot

10:00 am - 10:10 am

Greetings and presentation

Lucía Ferrer, Sales Director I PUE
Carlos Grau, CEO | Mobile World Capital Barcelona

10:10 am - 10:30 am

Keynote: Big Data and Cloud Fullstack

Today, the challenge of Big Data solutions consists of responding to the different use cases, the needs of the business areas, operations requirements, security, data governance, on-premises environments, hybrids and public cloud, in addition to take into account the costs that a rapid ROI of the project will generate. Each stack of a Big Data architecture has the purpose of responding to the needs and requirements of all levels of a company, from infrastructure to the highest levels of the business. In this session we will show the most important components of a Big Data platform in order to obtain the best of each level.

Sergio Rodríguez de Guzmán, CTO I PUE

10:30 am - 11:15 am

Panel Discussion: Big Data Native Companies

In this discussion panel we will address different experiences of clients who have implemented a Big Data strategy in their organizations as a basis for digital transformation. We will also discuss the benefits they have found, as well as the different use cases that have been challenges they faced daily.

Félix Sernández, Data and Advertising Manager | Mediaset España
Ignacio Charfolé, Architecture, Government and BI & Big Data Development Manager I Telefónica
Hugo González, Head of the Information Structures and Advanced Analytics area | Caser

11:15 am - 11:45 am

Event Streaming management with NIFI

In this workshop we will see how to use NiFi to capture the changes that occur in relational databases to integrate into a Datalake based on Big Data environment. That allows us to unify the information sources of different environments in a single point of data transformation in real time, orienting the business decision-making based on events.

Ezequiel Medina, Big Data Specialist I PUE

11:45 am - 12:00 pm


Abraham Pascual

Abraham Pascual

Key Account Manager I PUE

Ara Pulido

Ara Pulido

Developer Relations | Datadog

Arnaud Delanoue

Arnaud Delanoue

Big Data Architect I PUE

Boris Cordes

Boris Cordes

Senior Director Partners & Alliances | DataRobot

Carlos Grau

Carlos Grau

CEO | Mobile World Capital Barcelona

Ester Morales

Ester Morales

Customer Engineer and Infrastructure Modernization Specialist | Google

Ezequiel Medina

Ezequiel Medina

Big Data Specialist I PUE

Félix Sernández

Félix Sernández

Data and Advertising Manager | Mediaset España

Hugo González

Hugo González

Head of the Information Structures and Advanced Analytics area | Caser

Ignacio Charfolé

Ignacio Charfolé

Architecture, Government and BI & Big Data Development Manager I Telefónica

Javier Domínguez

Javier Domínguez


Javier Martínez

Javier Martínez

Sales Engineering Manager | Google Cloud

Juan Zapatero

Juan Zapatero

Solution Architect | Cloudera

Juan Carlos Sánchez

Juan Carlos Sánchez

Regional Director Spain & Portugal | Cloudera

Lucía Ferrer

Lucía Ferrer

Sales Director I PUE

Miguel Ángel Suárez

Miguel Ángel Suárez

Sales Director | Datadog Iberia

Ramón de la Rosa

Ramón de la Rosa

Cloud & Big Data Architect I PUE

Sergio Rodríguez de Guzmán

Sergio Rodríguez de Guzmán


Abraham Pascual

Abraham Pascual

Key Account Manager I PUE

Ara Pulido

Ara Pulido

Developer Relations | Datadog

Arnaud Delanoue

Arnaud Delanoue

Big Data Architect I PUE

Boris Cordes

Boris Cordes

Senior Director Partners & Alliances | DataRobot

Carlos Grau

Carlos Grau

CEO | Mobile World Capital Barcelona

Ester Morales

Ester Morales

Customer Engineer and Infrastructure Modernization Specialist | Google

Ezequiel Medina

Ezequiel Medina

Big Data Specialist I PUE

Félix Sernández

Félix Sernández

Data and Advertising Manager | Mediaset España

Hugo González

Hugo González

Head of the Information Structures and Advanced Analytics area | Caser

Ignacio Charfolé

Ignacio Charfolé

Architecture, Government and BI & Big Data Development Manager I Telefónica

Javier Domínguez

Javier Domínguez


Javier Martínez

Javier Martínez

Sales Engineering Manager | Google Cloud

Juan Zapatero

Juan Zapatero

Solution Architect | Cloudera

Juan Carlos Sánchez

Juan Carlos Sánchez

Regional Director Spain & Portugal | Cloudera

Lucía Ferrer

Lucía Ferrer

Sales Director I PUE

Miguel Ángel Suárez

Miguel Ángel Suárez

Sales Director | Datadog Iberia

Ramón de la Rosa

Ramón de la Rosa

Cloud & Big Data Architect I PUE

Sergio Rodríguez de Guzmán

Sergio Rodríguez de Guzmán


