
DevOps Foundation - Linux & Windows - Virtual English

21 hours
1295,00 €
Live Virtual Class
Live Virtual Class


DevOps is the one of the most important and impactful computing topics to have been developed since the creation of the modern cloud. From Configuration Management to Containerization, your career and your company need to move quickly, but without stress, into this new world

This course is designed to accelerate you from zero to hero into the world of DevOps from the perspective of using Chef Configuration Management. Through this three-day command-line driven adventure, you will develop a solid foundation for managing dozens, hundreds or even thousands of servers the way Facebook, Target, Nordstrom, and many other successful companies do – by using Chef. And because so many companies have both Windows and Linux servers in their environments, we teach you the technical intricacies of managing and integrating both platforms.

Audience and prerequisites

This course is intended to those who wants to begin at DevOps specialization.

It's best that students of this class have some familiarity and comfort with the following:

  • Writing code -of just about any flavor- in a text editor.
  • Working on the command line.
  • Basic system administration: installing packages, configuring those packages, starting a service.


By the end of this course, the student will have assumed the following skills:

  • Understand the DevOps Method.
  • Apply DevOps method using Chef tools.
  • Reduce time between every cycle.


  1. What is DevOps – A brief introduction
  2. Using Chef resources – The building blocks
  3. Building Chef recipes and cookbooks
  4. Collecting details about the system via Ohai
  5. Attributes – Writing dynamic code
  6. Managing data with templates
  7. Advanced templating – Passing in variables
  8. Storing your code in a repo - An introduction to Git
  9. Workstation setup
  10. Centralizing management with Chef Server
  11. Using Community Cookbooks
  12. Automating chef-client runs
  13. Managing a multi-node infrastructure
  14. Simplification and scalability through Roles
  15. Power automation – Invoking Chef Search
  16. Staging versus Production - Environments
  17. Using Databags to create user accounts on servers

Open calls